Write a function called squareNumber that will take one argument (a number),
square that number, and return the result. It should also log a string like "The result of squaring the number 3 is 9."
Write a function called halfNumber that will take one argument (a number),
divide it by 2, and return the result. It should also log a string like "Half of 5 is 2.5.".
Write a function called percentOf that will take two numbers, figure out what percent the
first number represents of the second number, and return the result. It should also log a string like "2 is 50% of 4."
Write a function called areaOfCircle that will take one argument (the radius), calculate the area based on that,
and return the result. It should also log a string like "The area for a circle with radius 2 is 12.566370614359172."
Bonus: Round the result so there are only two digits after the decimal.
Write a function that will take one argument (a number) and perform the following operations, using the functions
you wrote earlier1:
Take half of the number and store the result.
Square the result of #1 and store that result.
Calculate the area of a circle with the result of #2 as the radius.
Calculate what percentage that area is of the squared result (#3).
function squareNumber(num) {
var squaredNumber = num * num;
console.log('The result of squaring the number ' + num + ' is ' + squaredNumber);
return squaredNumber;
function halfOf(num) {
var half = num / 2;
console.log('Half of ' + num + ' is ' + half);
return half;
function percentOf(num1, num2) {
var percent = (num1/num2) * 100;
console.log(num1 + ' is ' + percent + '% of ' + num2);
return percent;
percentOf(5, 10);
function areaOfCircle(radius) {
var area = Math.PI * squareNumber(radius);
console.log('The area of circle with radius ' + radius + ' is ' + area);
return area;
function doCrazyStuff(num) {
var half = halfOf(num);
var squared = squareNumber(half);
var area = areaOfCircle(squared);
var result = percentOf(squared, area);