Your Content
+ HTML: Structure
+ CSS: Presentation
= Your Website
A website is a way to present your content to the world, using HTML and CSS to present that content & make it look good.
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Your Content
+ HTML: Structure
+ CSS: Presentation
= Your Website
A website is a way to present your content to the world, using HTML and CSS to present that content & make it look good.
CSS = Cascading Style Sheets
CSS is a "style sheet language" that lets you style the elements on your page.
CSS is embedded inside HTML, but it is not HTML itself.
Want proof? Check out CSS Zen Garden
CSS consists of "style rules". Each style rule consists of a "selector" and "declarations" of property-value pairs:
selector { property: value; property: value; }
body { color: yellow; background-color: black; }
CSS can be embedded in HTML in several ways. One way is to include all CSS in a style
tag, usually inside the head
<html> <head> <style> body { color: yellow; background-color: black; } </style> </head>
selector { property: values; }
The selector is used to select which elements in the HTML page will be given the styles inside the curly braces.
p { }
Selects all p
elements in the entire document.
#header { }
Selects any element with the id “header", e.g.
<p id="header"></p>
Element ids are unique, so that should only be one element.
The "#" is how you tell CSS "this is an id."
.warning { color: red; }
Selects any element with the class name “warning”, e.g.
<p class="warning"></p>
Multiple elements can have the same class name.
The "." is how you tell CSS "this is a class name."
An element can have only 1 id but multiple classes, so you can take advantage of that for greater flexibility.
.intro { background-color: blue; } .desc { color: red; }
<p class="desc intro">hi</p> -> hi <p class="desc">hi</p> -> hi <p class="intro">hi</p> -> hi
ul em { color: yellow; }
Selects any em
element that's a descendant of a ul
The " " (space) is how you say "find a descendant."
<body> <ul> <li><em>Hi</em></li> </ul> <p><em>Bye</em></p> </body>
#related-brands li { color: gray; }
Selects any <li> element that is a descendant of any element with an id that equals "related-brands."
<ul id="related-brands"> <li>Rice Krispies</li> <li>NutriGrain</li> </ul>
Tip: Try it out in the Selectoracle.
li.special { color: yellow; }
Selects any li
element with a class attribute that
contains the word "special".
<ul> <li>Rice Krispies</li> <li class="special">NutriGrain</li> </ul>
Warning: If you place a space after the ".", it'll look for descendants of li
with class of "special."
The difference between the "." and the space is very important!
li.a { color: yellow; } li a { color: red; }
<ul> <li><a href="#rice">Rice Krispies</a></li> <li class="a">NutriGrain</li> </ul>
#header .content form p em.required { color: white; }
Selects any em
element with a class attribute that contains the word "required" that is a descendant of a p
element that is a descendant of a form
element that is a descendant of an element with a class attribute that contains the word "content" that is a descendant of any element with an id attribute that equals "header".
A set of "pseudo classes" can style anchor elements depending on their state.
a:link { /* unvisited link */ color: red; } a:visited { /* visited link */ color: blue; } a:hover { /* moused over link */ color: green; } a:active { /* current link */ color: purple; } a:focus { /* focused link */ color: purple; }
You can group selectors to apply the same style to all of the selectors by separating them with commas:
a:hover, a:active, a:focus { background-color: yellow; }
#a #b h1 { color: red; } /* winner! */ #a h1 { color: blue; }
It is possible to write CSS like this:
But it's preferred to write it like this:
selector { property: values; } selector { property: values; }
Notice: space between "selector" and "{", 2 spaces before property-value pair, space after "property:", semi-colon after "values", line between rules.
Some rules to follow when making IDs and class names:
Comments will be ignored by the browser and are useful for documenting your styles to other humans or commenting out rules.
/* Comment here */ p { margin: 1em; /* Comment here */ padding: 2em; /* color: white; */ background-color: blue; } /* multi-line comment here */