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Asynchronous Technologies: AJAX/JSON


Review: HTML + JS, together!

Static Content + Progressive Enhancement


Dynamic Content

Storing Data in JSON

(Javascript Object Notation)

  • Key/value pairs
  • Key must be stored with quotes (unlike JS Objects)
  • Value can be the following data types: Number, String, Boolean, Array, Object, null
  • Resembles objects/hash tables/structs of programming languages
  • Validate @

Storing data in JSON

Sample JSON:

 "firstName": "Jane", 
 "lastName": "Smith", 
 "address": { 
   "streetAddress": "425 2nd Street", 
   "city": "San Francisco", 
   "state": "CA", 
   "postalCode": 94107 
 "phoneNumbers": [ 
   "212 732-1234", 
   "646 123-4567" ] 

Using JS to turn JSON into DOM

var myProfile = 
 {"firstName": "Liz", 
  "lastName": "Howard",
  "cats": ["Tribbles", "Jean Claws"]};

var p = document.createElement('p');
p.innerHTML = 'My name is ' + myProfile.firstName + ' ' + myProfile.lastName + '. ';
p.innerHTML += 'My cats are ' + myProfile.cats.join(', ') + '.';

var p = $('<p>');
p.html('My name is ' + myProfile.firstName + ' ' + myProfile.lastName + '. ');
p.append('My cats are ' + myProfile.cats.join(', ') + '.');

Exercise Time!

Pair with the person(s) next to you to work through it together.


= Asynchronous JavaScript and "XML"

AJAX in the Wild

What else?

Web 1.0 & User Interaction

Web 2.0 & User Interaction

Web 1.0 vs.Web 2.0

Technologies Used: Technologies Used:
  • HTML
  • Server-Side Scripts
  • HTML
  • Server-Side Scripts
  • AJAX

Requests and Responses

Front-End: Hey, Back-End! Here's my credentials. Can I get some data? How about books on AJAX?

Requests and Responses

Back-End thinks about it, decides how to handle request...

Requests and Responses

Back-End looks in database, searches...

Requests and Responses

Back-End: 200 OK, here are some books on AJAX!

Requests and Responses

Front-End: Thanks! I'm going to make an online bookshelf with the data!

Anatomy of an XMLHttpRequest

// instantiate a new request
var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); 

// add event listeners
request.addEventListener('load', function () {

  // transform a string into a usable object
});'get', '/path/to/api', true);
request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');

XMLHttpRequest: Diving Deeper

  • IE implemented XMLHR differently than the other browsers, so you must use the ActiveXObject if XMLHttpRequest is not available.
  • Sometimes you will need to send additional data
  • Errors and responses need to be handled

But we don't usually write all that code...

jQuery + AJAX

Use the jQuery $.ajax function.

$.ajax({type: "GET",
  url: "filename.json",
  dataType: "json",
  success: function(data) { },
  error: function(xhr, status, e) { }

Using jQuery for everything

$.ajax({type: "GET",
  url: "",
  dataType: "json",
  success: function(response) { 
    var books = response.books;
    for (var i = 0; i < books.length; i++) { 
      var book = books[i];
      var p = $('<p>');
      p.html(book.title + ' by ' +;
  error: function(xhr, status, e) {
    console.log(status, e);

Debugging AJAX Requests

  • Click the NET/Network tab in Chrome Dev Tools or Firebug, select "XHR" filter to see all XMLHttpRequests made.
  • See what the request responded with by clicking its "Response" tab.

Exploring this will keep you busy for hours.

Try it on Twitter

It will teach you so much about what's in requests and responses. Google everything you don't understand.

Exercise Time!

Pair with the person(s) next to you to work through it together.

AJAX + Servers

$.ajax({type: "GET",
  url: "/api/books",
  dataType: "json",
  data: {'sortBy': 'author'},
  success: processBooks
$.ajax({type: "POST",
  url: "/api/book/new",
  dataType: "json",
  data: {'title': 'I, Robot', 'author': 'I. Asimov'}
  success: processBoooks

AJAX Gotchas

  • Cross domain requests have restrictions
  • Multiple AJAX requests don't return in order
  • Hard to transfer files
  • Can't transfer binary content (like images)
  • Browsers can over-cache/under-cache requests

UI No-Nos:

  • Not having linkable state
  • Not letting users know that something is loading
  • Breaking the back button

Cross Domain Policy


List of additional key concepts

  • What are the parts of an HTTP request?
  • What does CRUD stand for?
  • What is the same origin policy?
  • What are the 4 basic CRUD operations and methods?
  • What is the difference between JSONP and JSON?